Monday, 10 March 2014

2nd giveaway!!

It's sister's cakery shah alam 1st anniversary!!

..and to thank our beloved customers who has been supporting us throughout this year, we'll be having another giveaway contest.


1. Have tasted any of our cake. Kalau tak pernah beli, pernah rasa sikit pun ok.

..maaf pada yg x pnh rasa lg tu. Contest ni bukan utk dptkan lbh ramai likers or followers but to thank mereka2 yg selama ni jd nadi utama yg sama2 menaikkan nama sister's cakery. Terima kasih. Syukran.

2. Upload pics kek yg pernah dibeli beserta testimonial. Kalau dh pnh buat b4 ni just korek balik post n tag me.

..kalau pic kek xde boleh request from me or korek my fb/instagram. Kalau xde gak..cukup sekadar testimonial. Tag me ye?!

3. Any medium will do. Fb/instagram/blog/tweets.. eh..tweeter jgn sbb saya x igt pswd tweeter saya. Hahaha

4. Contest berakhir pada 31 march 2014.

5. Hadiah

1st place : voucher cake rm100 that will never expires. Maknanya boleh simpan kotla nk smbt bday tahun depan, redeem dgn any cakes bernilai rm100 atau leh add ons RM++ utk kek yg lebih mhl

12 consolation price : brownies mini pack

Ada 13 prizes to grab. Rugi tak join nih.. hehe.. best of luck!!

Nota : only applies pada customers sister's cakery cawangan shah alam

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Mini cake

Cute cakes for your hantaran?

3 inch diameter.

4pcs for RM 160.

Promo price until 31st Dec 2013 : RM 140

Monday, 18 November 2013

Resepi brownies

Ramai yang review kata brownies ni rasanya ala2 kartika sari. Ye ke x tu saya kurang pasti sbb saya sendiri x pnh rasa pun. Hehee..

Di sebabkan ramai yg minat brownies ni..apa kata saya share kn resepi so that korang smua leh try later.. try jgn x try. Nk jual pun xde hal. Saya halalkan. Hehe.. resepi je pun.

(8x8 square pan)

170g dark chocolate
90g butter
35g koko

Cairkn dgn kaedah double boil.

100g tepung
1/4 ts garam
1/4 ts baking powder

Tapis bersama.

2 biji telur + 1 kuning telur
180g gula castor
1 ts vanilla

1. Beat telur n gula. Masuk esen vanilla.
2. Masuk choc cair
3. Masuk tepung.
4. Bakar 180'c dlm 35min.
Adunan akan naik kembung and turun balik rata. Dah turun tu means dah masakla..
Senang kan? Apa lagi.. cer try test la.. feel free to share this recipe k?

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Quality vs quantity


Maaflah sbb lama x update blog ni.
Harini takmo upload gambar kek.
Harini just nak bercerita.

Chatting dgn Hirda, bekas kawan sekuliah saya haritu.
She inspires me a lot.
Antara usahawan wanita paling gigih & berani yang saya kenal.

Dulu saya pernah gelakkan dia.
Cita-cita dia nk bukak kedai kek.
"Lawak la ko nih hirda..dah tu buatpe g amek engineering course?"

Tapi tgkla sekarang.. dia dh berjaya bukak kedai n ada business sendiri..ada pekerja..ada ruang niaga..

..dan saya pulak tiba2 menuju ke arah yg sama..
Gelakkan orang lagi kan?! Hehe.. ampun hirda!

Hirda nasihatkan saya

"Give more.. always give more.."

Bila kita banyak memberi, insya Allah..Allah akan balas dgn lebih banyak.

Tak payah kedekut. Tak payah nak buh rega mahal2.. tak rugi kalau kita bagi lebih.

Bila kita buat orang lain happy.. secara x langsung kita pun happy jugak. Orang puas hati dgn kerja kita dh cukup2 bagus.

Seronok rupanya jadi baker ni.

Bukan sebab duit semata2.
Sebab kek saya jumpa raaaamai sgt org.
Kawan2 lama yg berbelas tahun x jumpa tiba2 contact saya utk beli kek.
Customer2 baru ada yg tiba2 jd geng kamceng mcm dah bertahun2 kenal.
Seronok kan?
Tiba2 meriah je whatsapp saya berbunyi sepanjang masa sampai saya silentkn phone almost 24 jam. Jadi kalau call x berjawab tu faham2 la ye? Hehe

Mggu ni sampai 15 oct dah tutup order. Bukan nk buat2 busy tp mmg busy pun. Hehe..
Takmau tamak jd saya x amek order di luar kemampuan saya utk jaga kualiti kek.
Kalau byk sgt order nanti penat..kek jd tahapehape.

Oklah. Enough merepek. Ngantuk sgt2 tp hrp2x x tertdo atas kek

Monday, 30 September 2013

Give Away contest!!!

1.  Like us on Facebook
2. Share this picture with the most creative caption.
3. Tag us (sister's cakery or Ilyani Abdullah for Batu Pahat's contestant)
4. Leave your comment here

The most creative caption to promote our page will be chosen as winner. Bodek la lebih2 k? Hehe..
Winner will be chosen by our mom on the 15th Oct 2015

Terms & conditions

1. Contest is open to all Malaysians. Special quota for Batu Pahat's contestants.
2. You can enter this contest as much as you can with different captions. Remember to remind us by leaving your comments here


- 2 strawberry kitkat basket cake with cake of your choice inside (ice cream/red velvet/moist choc/black forest/tiramisu/butterscotch/carrot)
- 2 winners will be chosen. 1 from Batu Pahat & 1 from all over Malaysia. We'll post your cake!!
So..good luck & impress our mom with your words!!